Saturday, May 8, 2010

Blog Assignment 6 | An Image is Worth 1000 Angry Words

This coming Wednesday, May 12, we're going to be discussing the popular belief that "It's better to express anger to others than to hold it in." We'll be examining whether people commonly think it's healthier to express your anger or to suppress it, and what the research literature has to say on the issue.

It's also the second half of the course, which means you're busy researching your own
blog. I'd like to see people include images in their blogs as evidence to prove a point, as a concise way to capture complex concepts or emotions, or simply as comic relief.

Blog Assignment 6 | Due Wednesday May 12 | 3:00 pm
GOALS: 1) Practice finding images to illustrate a belief 2) Analyze an image

Your task is two-fold:

1) Find an online image that makes a point about expressing anger and whether or not it's good for you.

The point could be that expressing anger is cathartic, or damaging, or healthy. It could convey that suppressing your anger is damaging - or perhaps it keeps you out of trouble. Whatever image you choose, it shouldn't just show someone expressing or suppressing anger, but it should convey that the person thrives or suffers (or something in between) because of it.

Provide a link to the image so that the rest of us can view it.

The visual image could be just about anything that has a spatial element:
- a photo
- a drawing
- a web comic
- a graph or chart
- a video
- a map
It could include words, but the spatial layout of information should be important for it to qualify as a visual.

2) Analyze the image. This involves two discrete steps. Make it clear which is which.

A. First, what do you see in the image? Describe what's actually there, without any interpretation.

B. Second, what do you infer from the image? If it's a graph, what does it suggest about anger? If it's an emotional image with people or animals, what is the relationship between the characters and what emotions does the image convey? Most importantly, what does it say about the popular belief

"It's better to express anger to others than to hold it in."


  1. I'll get us started.

    1) Here's an image from flick'r:

    2) Description:
    - two toy figurines, both green
    - one is big, with lots of muscles and purple shorts
    - the first figurine is seated at a desk
    - the other is much smaller, with a robe and a stick
    - there's a chalkboard with some writing on it

    B) Interpretation
    - this is a teacher and a student. Yoda is the teacher and The Incredible Hulk is the student.
    - The Incredible Hulk is frustrated and has a hard time controlling his anger.
    - Yoda is encouraging him to be cool and collected, for his good and the good of humanity.
    - This image is largely funny, but it builds on the idea that "it's better to hold your anger in than to let it roar."

  2. 1.Here’s an image from Dragon Ball Super Siyan

    - Goku is shouting something
    - Intensive gold lightning is surrounding Goku
    - Goku carries some damage
    - Goku is up in the air
    - Goku’s hair aims at the air
    - Goku’s hair is gold
    - Goku is a fighter. It is assumed that he is in a fight.
    - Goku is super angry, which makes him transform his appearance with higher power
    - Gold is the color of something special.
    - His power becomes multiplied by 10.
    - If you are threatened by your enemy, get angry so that your hidden power will appear.
    - Anger is an essential human instinct to protect something important to you.
    - I love this manga so much….

  3. 1) Here’s an image I found on a Google search

    2) Description:
    -There’s a man slumped over his desk.
    -He’s wearing a work shirt.
    -He’s screaming into a telephone.
    -The telephone is red.
    -There are many papers and folders on his desk.

    B) Interpretation:
    -There is a man at his desk at work.
    -The entire surface area of his desk is covered in folders and papers piled up to his head.
    -He is yelling into office phone because he is stressed out with the amount of work he has to complete.
    -The image is showing a man who possibly after holding in his anger for a prolonged amount of time breaks and can’t stay calm anymore at work.

  4. Interesting with the guy yelling into the phone. You kind of hope it makes his piles of work go away, but chances are it's not the coping strategy he needs.

  5. 1) Here is an image I found via Google search:

    A) Description:
    -Toddler crying
    -Brick wall
    -Taking off her sweatshirt
    -Clip in hair
    -Looking away from campera
    -Flowers on shirt
    -Sweatshirt hood on

    B) Interpretation:
    -A child seemingly a model
    -Toddler looks as if she is being forced to model
    -Also looks as if she is trying to take off her sweatshirt
    -Toddler looks like she is looking at a parent or other person trying to distract her from the camera.

  6. 1) Here is an image that I found on Google images:

    2) Description:
    -Woman wearing glasses
    -Hair pulled back into a pony tail
    -Lifting up and biting her computer
    -Anger written on her face

    B) Interpretation
    -The glasses and pulled back hair give the impression of the typical business woman.
    -The woman is clearly angry and going to extremes.
    -Possibly overly stressed out from work.
    -May have been holding in her anger and now that it has come out is taking out her aggression on her laptop.

  7. 1) Here is a video clip from the Simpsons: Homer as the Hulk

    - Homer is punching family cat, sees himself punching, becomes sad.
    - While walking outside, gets hit by newspaper at crotch, bottle of milk at head and piano at toes.
    - Develops a lump/sort of hernia in neck, pushes it back in with finger.
    - Comes back from work, sees sign "Free donuts in treehouse" on door.
    -Climbs up treehouse, sees donut box, walks forward but falls down through hole.
    - His foot gets caught on rope and dragged upside down through a series of cacti, hanging dirty diapers and reaches a sign that says, "to get down, cut rope", he cuts rope, causing him to fall in a pool of green paint.
    - Kids react to transformation.
    - Homer's upper body is totally covered in green paint, marches to the busy street/downtown area.
    - Police authorities ambush or leap onto angry green Homer.

    B.INTERPRETATIONS OF ANGER (Suppression/Expression)

    Quotes/Labels from Homer
    --> "Rage-aholic": Homer is disappointed when his wife points out that he is punching the family cat, suggests that his anger is reflexive.
    --> "Nothing can make me mad out here": Homer creates expectations that he will not react (with anger) but obviously has many obstacles testing his patience.
    --> "Must suppress rage": Homer works very hard to suppress anger, even holding in the physical pain despite the random events that inflict harm onto him.
    --> "They call me mellow yellow": Homer is delighted and happy but other events would quickly test the new attitude.
    --> "Homer mad" & "Get revenge on world": Alas, Homer can't take it any longer, too much lumps/hernia developed in his neck and transforms, resembling the Hulk. He marches into the busy streets, announcing his anger and ready to release it onto others and basically anything (fire hydrants, etc).

    Music throughout video clip aimed to build suspense until Homer transforms.

    Overall Message:
    --Suggests overall that anger is difficult to control and suppressing it is perhaps not an effective coping strategy for the individual and others within their environment.

    The more Homer suppresses his rage, the more "lumps" he pushes down and accumulates or sets aside. The suspense is largely comical. The video seems to imply that suppression/complete denial of anger is very challenging. Suppression led to an amplified expression of anger later for Homer. He became detached, he became the hulk.

  8. 1. This is a picture I found on google images...

    2. - Only a woman in the picture
    - background sort of blurred to keep focus on the woman
    - An unhappy look on her face, looks frustrated or troubled
    - Her eyes are focused on the camera

    3. Interpretation
    - The first impression I got from this image is that this woman clearly has some kind of anger inside of her, either someone has caused her to be angry or she knows about something, maybe a secret or a situation that makes her angry. Just be looking at her eyes, you can tell she is holding in some emotions, which leads her to look frustrated. This picture shows that keeping in your anger can be unhealthy for you, because it looks like this woman can snap in a second.


  9. 1)
    2a) Description
    - Only 1 girl in this image
    - She is yelling
    - Her hair is messed
    - The background is Blue
    - She is wearing a red t-shirt
    - Her eyes are closed tightly
    2b) interpretation
    - A girl couldn’t get what she wants.
    - She tried to scream to express her resentment.
    - And she ignores people’s feeling when she yelled.
    - She used all her strength to scream (to express)

  10. 1) Here’s an image I found on Google images
    2) Description
    - Six people are arguing with each other
    - Three are across one side of the table
    and three is across the other side of
    the table
    - They’re all in business attire
    - Four are men and two are women
    3) Interpretation
    - They all seem angry at each other!
    - They’re all yelling
    - They’re in a business meeting gone bad
    - This image’s is telling me that business
    meetings are wars so I better be careful

  11. 1)
    2a) Description:
    - Young boy and a girl
    - Boy is screaming loudly; veins are popping out his neck and his face is scrunched
    - Girl looks mildly perturbed and put off.
    - Girl's hair is being blown by the force of the little boy's yell
    2b) Interpretation:
    - Boy is unnecessarily expressing his anger, to an unwarranted extreme
    - Girl is not only unimpressed but annoyed
    - The force of the boy's anger is destructive, not only to himself but clearly to the "people around him" aka the little girl

  12. Here is the link for my image:

    A. What's in the picture?
    -a sculpture of a hand holding down a head
    -it is on a beach
    -the head is being pushed down far into the sand by the hand
    -the face has an angry look on its face

    B. Interpretation?
    I took this picture as actually going against the popular myth that it is better to hold in your anger than let it out. I viewed it as holding in your anger can really hold you down and make you feel like you are under enormous amounts of pressure.


    A. Image:
    ~In this picture in an arm
    ~This arm is covered in small vertical scars

    B. Interpretation:
    ~This persons arm is covered in scars from self-mutilation

    This is one example that shows how expressing anger can be physically damaging, especially when done in an unhealthy manner.

  14. une autre image

    A. Image:
    ~an empty background
    ~a cartoon face
    ~steam coming from the ears
    ~wrinkling of the forehead
    ~mouth agape
    ~enlarged blood veins in the eyes

    B. Interpretation
    ~The face is evidently expressing anger as seen by the steam, wrinkles, and apparent yelling.

    We can't see why this face has become angry, however we can see a couple serious dangers accompanied with expressing anger this way:

    1) Terrible face wrinkles!!
    2) Mouth stuck in a large shape that looks like he just tried to swallow a television!
    3) His eyes look like they're about to explode, gross!

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.


    a. Man driving angrily on a flying motor bike.
    b. The sun is setting as he drives off to his unknown destination.

    a. The man driving the motor bike is Anakin Skywalker, who in the end turns into Darth Vader.
    b. The setting sun could symbolize his choice to join the Dark Side and the setting of his goodness.
    c. Because he let his anger consume him, he lost his love Padme, his friendship and trust from Obi-Wan Kenobi and lost his children who in the end were separated at birth and could not grow up together like siblings should.
    d. In the end, by Anakin releasing his anger, it had a negative effect. It destroyed his life and created a whole new drama with his children later in life. (i.e. Luke I am your FATHER! NOOOO!!)


    In this Family Guy clip, Lois is trying to handle the stresses of the holidays. Throughout the episode there are many setbacks but she forces herself to deal with them. After suppressing her anger and stress one too many times, she is at a breaking point. Meg informs her that there are no more paper towels and she cracks. She then proceeds to go crazy.

    What this video conveys is a reality which all of us have to deal with. Especially during holidays, we suppress stresses, anger, annoyance, and discontent throughout the day. If this is done to an extreme degree without de-stressing or venting any anger, at one point or another we are liable to explode from something apparently very inconsiderable. Lois managed a highly stressful holiday but finally fell into a destructive rage triggered by running out of paper towels because she ignored any form of anger management.

    Against a black background, an angry young man is kneeling at the foot of his bed with his hands clasped in an attitude of prayer.
    In the second panel, his face has changed to one of shocked thoughtfulness.
    The words explain that the boy has asked god if he was ever angry enough to crush somebody, and upon receiving an affirmative response, the child asks what god did about it.
    The second panel reads “I forgave you”
    The words to this comic provide most of the meaning – since the reader would prefer to not be smote, it’s probably fair to say that it believes expressing anger to be destructive.
    The thoughtful look upon the boy’s face is the message; clearly the reader should pass it on, and also not express anger, but rather forgive.

    Some sort of many-eyed monster, which appears rather angry, is having what appears to be an air duct installed in its side by a young girl in some sort of space suit with a toolbox.
    The background involves many particles in the air, and a skinny volcano-thing spewing circles.
    The caption reads “Kimbly vents her anger”
    The monster looks angry and unhappy; presumably, the anger-vent’s purpose is to fix the monster, as toolkits are usually for fixing things. Therefore, expressing, or venting, anger is a good thing to do.


    Caption: This photo clearly makes a point about anger. I'm not sure whether or not my impression is the intended impression, however, it appears this man is expressing his anger negatively.

    A) I see a man on a phone, yelling into the phone, one eye bulging out more than the other while choking out the phone with a stalin death grip. It appears as though he can eat the phone, something is seriously important.

    B) I just stated what I saw, now like a typical psychologist would do, I shall infer. The picture seems to suggest anger is synonymous with pure rage. In most petty moments of anger, I would typically say the expression of the emotion would yield greater benefits then repressing it. However, this photo illustrates a subset of anger known as rage at its finest. In this case, I would conclude this sort of anger to be unhealthy. If the popular belief stats, "It's better to express anger to others than to hold it in", if that were the case, anger would run rampant in our society and could only lead to negative implications such as extreme road rage and hurt feelings. This guy isnt even talking to a real person, just a plastic device that transmits a signal to a person on the other end. Imagine under these circumstances how he would act in front of a real person. His anger would lead to very negative consequences... at some point anger fails to resolve problems and becomes the problem itself. In other words, inferring from this picture, it would be NOT be better to express one's anger than to hold it in." For the man in the picture, I would prescribe him a dose a rationality.
